EBRA Privacy & Data Protection Policy Statement
The Secretary maintains the membership database to be able to send news and information to members
Membership records may contain:
Phone Number(s)
Email Address(es)
Facebook username(s)
Subscription amount paid and expiry date
The Secretary maintains the membership database in an Excel spreadsheet which is encrypted on the Secretary's personal computer and in an encrypted cloud backup
The Chairman is able to access an encrypted copy of the database as a contingency in case the Secretary is unable to perform the role
The Secretary stores names and email addresses in a MailChimp account for the sole purpose of sending emails.
The MailChimp account is protected by two-factor authentication.The Secretary may from time to time print subsets of the membership database for volunteers to use when delivering newsletters or collecting subscription renewals
The Secretary does not share any membership data with any other person or organisation
The Secretary does not process data
The Secretary will respond within a week to a request from a member to see their data record
The Secretary will respond within a week to a request from a member to remove their data from the membership database. As a result:
Membership will cease because the EBRA will not be able to contact them
Facebook group membership will be revoked because it is provided for members only