Constitution on Website 2010


The name of the Association shall be the EAST BARNET RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION.


(a) To act in a non party political manner on behalf of the RESIDENTS and those concerned with and who have an interest in the area, in controlling our environment, improving our village and safeguarding the welfare, rights and interests of the residents at all times.

(b) To present objections, modifications or improved suggestions to developments, plans and ideas within our area.

(c) To raise funds to assist in achieving our objects.


Residents and other persons having an interest in the area known as East Barnet and are over 18 years of age shall be eligible for membership, subject to the approval of the Committee.


The annual subscription, due in June each year, shall be determined by the members present .at the Annual General Meeting, following the Treasurer's Report. Any increase in subscription shall not exceed that recommended by the Committee and advised to members in writing TWENTY ONE days before the meeting. The subscription due from new members who Join after December each year shall be half price.


(a) The Association shall have the following Officers

  • Chairman

  • Vice Chairman

  • Honorary Secretary

  • Honorary Treasurer

  • Newsletter Distribution

and shall be managed by a Committee consisting of the Officers and up to nine other members, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and hold office until the subsequent election at the next Annual General Meeting. Any Officer or Committee Member shall be eligible for re election if so willing. Officers and Committee Members shall have equal voting power and be empowered to co opt additional (non-voting) members should a particular need arise.

(b) The Committee shall manage the affairs, property and funds of the Association, but may at any time delegate any or all of the powers vested in them by this Constitution, to any sub committee which may be formed.

(c) The Committee shall meet at least FIVE times in each year of office. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business at a Committee Meeting shall be FIVE members.

(d) Committee Minutes will be circulated to all Committee members.

(e) Amendments or alterations to the Constitution shall be forwarded in writing to the Secretary of the Association no less than TWENTY EIGHT days before an Annual General Meeting. Proposed alterations to the Constitution can only be made if agreed by a straight majority, except where otherwise stated in the Constitution, of those present and eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting.

(f) Resolutions should be carried on a straight majority, except where otherwise stated in the Constitution.

(g) Members co opted for decisions on matters requiring specialist knowledge should hold a position on the Committee only so long as the issue in question exists, and that their co opting should be confirmed at the next Open Meeting.

(h) An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called within TWENTY ONE days of a request submitted in writing to the Secretary and signed by TWELVE members. The request shall state the nature of the business for the agenda and only such business shall be discussed and voted upon. A minimum of SEVEN, days notice of any such meeting will be sent in writing to all members.

(i) The Committee may enter into an agreement with other bodies for the furtherance of the objects of the Association.


The Honorary Secretary shall keep a record of the business transacted at all Association and Committee Meetings and submit to the Annual General Meeting a report of the affairs of the Association since the previous Annual General Meeting. He/She shall submit a draft copy of this report to the Committee at a meeting immediately proceeding the Annual General Meeting. He/She shall conduct the correspondence of the Association and shall act on all occasions under the direction of the Committee. He/She shall, if necessary, have the assistance of a Membership Secretary, who will be responsible for compiling and maintaining records of members whose subscriptions are in order. Any monies received from this source to be passed to the Treasurer.


(a) The Honorary Treasurer shall receive all monies due .to the Association. They will pay all monies received into an account in the name of the Association. Any TWO of the following shall sign all cheques and similar documents: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, and ONE Committee member elected by the Committee

(b) The Annual Accounts shall be made up to the end of May and duly audited for submission to the Annual General Meeting in June/July of the same year.

(c) The financial year shall be from 1st June to the last day of May.


The members shall meet annually, not later than 31st July.

(a) To receive the Annual Report of the Secretary.

(b) To receive the Audited Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts for the previous TWELVE months ending the last day of May.

(c) To elect the Association's Officers.

(d) To elect up to NINE other members to serve on the Committee.

(e) TWENTY ONE days notice of the Annual General Meeting must be given to all members, and motions not on the agenda may only be brought forward by the consent of the Chairman and a majority of those present and eligible to vote. Such votes to be taken by the Chairman without discussion.

(f) Nominations for Officers and Committee Members must be made in writing to the Secretary, together with, the nominee's consent, not less than FOURTEEN days before the Annual General Meeting. In the event of there being insufficient candidates for election, the Chairman may accept nominations from the floor, subject to the consent of the nominee who must be present at the meeting, or cognisant of the proposal.

(g) Members at the Annual General Meeting shall elect honorary Auditor(s).

(h) The Committee shall have the power to nominate to the Annual General Meeting a President and/or Vice President of the Association, subject to the approval of the Annual General Meeting, They shall be entitled to hold such position until the next Annual General Meeting when they shall be eligible for re election if so willing and are nominated by the Committee.


The Association may at any time be dissolved by a resolution passed by a THREE FOURTHS majority of those present and voting at a meeting of which TWENTY EIGHT days notice In writing, setting out the nature of the resolution, shall have been sent to all members whose subscriptions are not in arrears when the notice Is formulated. Any assets at the dissolution shall be transferred to a charitable organization, as approved at the meeting, and operating for the benefit of the residents in the East Barnet area.

[The original 1982 version of the constitution is here]